The Man Who Asked for Alms and Got Legs
We see Peter and John going to the temple at the time of prayer. They are found together often in scripture. Lk. 5 says they were partners in the fishing business before they got saved. Lk. 22: together they prepared the Last Supper in the upper room. Jn. 20: running together to the empty tomb on that 1st Easter morning. Acts 8: ministering together to the Samaritans.
However, they were quite different from one another…Peter was outgoing and gregarious, always had something to say…never hesitated to give his opinion…sometimes it seemed like the only time he’d open his mouth was to change feet!/quite outspoken. But, John was contemplative and reflective…tender, referring to himself as the disciple whom Jesus loved!/at last supper, he leaned on Jesus’ chest.
Some evidence in Scripture seems to indicate these 2 didn’t always get along. Their personalities were so different that they often had friction.
Joke—son, momma’s not feeling well, it’s her colitis…son said, who’d momma collide w/ this time?
But now that Jesus has ascended and left these men w/ His Holy Spirit, they come together…and here they enter the temple together…not competing for greatness/focusing on each other’s faults, but striving to work together for God’s glory, never allowing anything in-between / forbearing / giving benefit of doubt / trying to build the Lord’s church thru unity and teamwork.
It’s amazing how people come together when filled w/ the Spirit!…you show me a church where people don’t get along and I’ll show you a church void of the Spirit…marriage/home/board/s.s. class
Ps. 133:1 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!
[infrequent use of “!”]
It’s 3 pm, and on the way to the temple something awesome happens, which ultimately results in thousands getting saved.
3 things to look at:
Ps. 51: 5 Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.
Rom 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
We’ve all been crippled by a fall, in the Garden of Eden!
Secular psychology says man is born neutral at worst, and at best, w/ a spark of divinity! That’s not Biblical, and further, that’s not logical!
Children: wrong comes naturally, right must be taught and disciplined.
Samson let sin have place in his life, and it turned on him, and he was bound, eyes poked out, and he ground all day at the mill [sin: binds/blinds/grinds]
[same w/ us cleaning up our lives, going to church…but w/out the Lord coming inside to cleanse and forgive and save, we are still spiritually lame!]
Crime up? Authorities say, “we need more education!” Educate a thief and you just have a smarter thief [embezzle!]
We don’t need reformation, we need transformation!
v. 3-8
v. 11 Every day they walked past him, a nuisance, prob. resenting him…and now he’s running, leaping, praising God…they couldn’t argue w/ that!
v. 12 “don’t look at us, we didn’t do it!”
v. 13-16 “Jesus healed this man…the Jesus you denied, whose blood is on your hands! You can’t get away from Him…He is your Messiah, and you must face it!”
It always comes back to that…life brings us round and round again to the same point of decision, will we accept Jesus or not?
[these Jews couldn’t get away from it…they felt like the guy who bought a new boomerang but seriously injured himself trying to throw the old one away!]
ill.—all of history revolves around Him…it is His Story!
[history class “in 1492, Columbus…/bc or ad?/what does ad mean? Bc? Teacher, if all of history revolves around Jesus, shouldn’t we be talking about Him?]
This miracle could not be reasonably denied/humanly explained/lightly dismissed…
v. 6 not apologizing, but bragging!
Peter could have given him money, but he still would have been the same man! Peter gave him something much better, a new beginning!