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‘After Christmas’ Gifts

Matthew 2:1,2,11


Do you like after-Christmas shopping?

A wife told her husband, “Last night I dreamed you gave me two hundred dollars to spend on an all new Christmas wardrobe. Surely you wouldn’t do anything to spoil a dream like that, would you?” “Of course not,” he replied. “You may keep that two hundred dollars.”


Are we talking about the 3 kings today?  Sort of.  Let’s call them the Magi.


2 common misconceptions about the Magi that we have come to believe by tradition:

-Nowhere does the Bible say there were 3 wise men.  Every picture I could find had 3…just the way we think of it.  And I mean every picture…

        We think of it that way because they brought 3 gifts…but there could have been many more, or it’s possible there were 3 or even 2, but I think there were many more in that day.

Joke—today the joke says that the church can’t put on a real Christmas pageant because they can’t find 3 wise men or a virgin, and it’s a sad truth in most places, but happily not the truth here.


-Also, the wise men were not present there at the nativity scene, the night Christ was born.  You say, “But, they were there on my momma’s coffee table!”  Perhaps, but they only saw the star that night in Babylon, hundreds of miles away, and had to travel several months to bring these belated birthday gifts.  [my wife said that’s just like men!]  And so, v. 11 says they came to “the house”, not the stable.  Now, don’t burn your Hallmark cards or write nasty letters to those who view the Magi in the traditional way, just be aware of the truth of the matter.


These were not just indiscriminate, random gifts…each had special significance because each symbolized a special attribute of the Lord Jesus.


1.     Gold = Sovereignty [Royalty of a King]

They knew this child was the King of the Jews, the prophesied One who was the King of all kings! 

v. 2         

  • He was labeled as the King at His birth.


  • He was labeled as the King at His death.

John 19:19

    And Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the cross. And the writing was, JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS.


  • He was labeled as the King by the prophets.

Isaiah 9:7

    Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it…


  • He was labeled as the King by the angels.

Luke 1:32-33

    He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: [33] And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.


When you deal with Jesus Christ, let it be known:  you are dealing with the King!


Some try to explain away His sovereignty by saying it’s only figurative…that He’s the king of our hearts, or the king of love, and while that may be true, He’s so much more…the King of kings and Lord of lords!


One day very soon, He will literally reign as King of this earth, and when He does the world will be in for a big surprise, for the 1st time He came to Bethlehem as a babe, the meek and lowly Jesus made in human flesh, but He’s coming back much different the next time He rides into town.


Rev. 19:11-16

[11] And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. [12] His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. [13] And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. [14] And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. [15] And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. [16] And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.


He’s coming back with boldness, in vengeance, victoriously!


3 things about His Kingdom:

  • Victorious in its nature

Rev. 19:11

        [11] And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.


His kingdom will be characterized by truth, honesty, and justice.  That is the opposite of what we have today.  Lying, deceiving, and cheating are today considered normal business practices…but not when our King returns.  [politics / family matters, tv sitcoms / justice system…in most of our courtrooms today, truth has become the first casualty.  People don’t think twice about putting their hand on a Bible and making a pledge to the truth, and then turning around and perjuring themselves.]

        But when our King returns, He’s coming to rule victoriously!  No wonder the wise men brought gold…it was a gift fit for a King!


  • Victorious in His Name

Rev. 19:16

    And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.

        No earthly king is any match for Him. [No president, no prince, no ruler]


Some day every knee shall bow and every tongue confess Him as King and Lord.

        Yasser Arafat died a lost man, hating and persecuting the Jews, but one day He will bow and confess before the King of the Jews!

        Adolf Hitler died a lost man, having the goal of annihilating the Jews as a race, but one day He will bow and confess before the King of the Jews!


  • Victorious in its necessity


Here’s what I mean:  Many people wonder “why will there be a 1,000 year millennial kingdom on earth, after the rapture and tribulation and Battle of Armageddon, instead of the eternal state beginning immediately in heaven?”

        Because, this is the time set aside on earth for God to keep His promises to the nation of Israel, God’s chosen people.  He chose them to write down and give us the written Word of God, the Bible.  He chose to give us the Living Word of God, the Savior from the bloodline of the Jew Abraham.

        And because they are His chosen people, God has given them some unconditional promises:

Like that there would be a time on earth when they could finally live w/out fear of persecution.  It’s never yet happened, not for a day.


-It started w/ Pharaoh, who tried to annihilate them by throwing all the baby boys to the crocodiles in the Nile…crikey!  But Pharaoh found out that you cannot destroy the Jews, and the more he persecuted them the more they grew.

-Later under the reign of queen Esther, a man named Haman decided to get rid of the Jews, but the very gallows which he built to exterminate them were used for him to swing by the neck!  He couldn’t thwart God’s plan.

-Then there was the great persecutions under Nebuchadnezzar, and then Herod in our text wanted to kill Jewish baby boys, and then there was Titus the Roman general, who destroyed Jerusalem and the temple, which may have looked like this in A.D. 70 [slide]

        …And then there was the holocaust of Adolf Hitler…and recently the Hamas massacre.

-And still today, it’s impossible to turn on the nightly news and not see the Jews in Israel being persecuted in some form or fashion.


It has always been that way, but praise God, there’s coming a day when God’s chosen people will finally live on this earth in peace…it will happen under the reign of King Jesus!


This promise was made to the Jews in many texts, including…

Isaiah 60:20-21

    Thy sun shall no more go down; neither shall thy moon withdraw itself: for the Lord shall be thine everlasting light, and the days of thy mourning shall be ended. [21] Thy people also shall be all righteous: they shall inherit the land for ever, the branch of my planting, the work of my hands, that I may be glorified.


And one of these days Christ will be glorified as He rules and reigns from David’s throne in Jerusalem…that’s my King!


And His kingdom will be victorious in its nature, in His Name, and as it fulfills the necessary prophecy…and now, I must ask you, is He your King?  Do you know the King?


If He’s the King of the universe, doesn’t He deserve to be the King of your life?  If He’ll sit on the throne in the millennium and rule w/ a rod of iron, shouldn’t He sit on the throne of your heart?  Shouldn’t He rule and reign in your life?


The gold should remind us…this is not just some baby in a trough…this is the King!


2.     Frankincense = Deity


v. 11        “they worshipped Him”

        Is it right to worship a man?  Not usually, w/ one exception…if He’s “the God-Man”!  These were wise men who knew the prophecies, and somehow they put it together Who this really was!


Frankincense was used to make incense for temple worship.  In the OT, God’s people had to go to the temple to meet w/ God.  Today, our bodies are His temple, but not then.  And one of the things you’d see at the temple back then was an altar of incense.  The priest would sprinkle incense on the hot coals of the altar and the smoke would rise up, symbolizing the prayers of God’s people going up to heaven.

        Here’s what’s interesting:  frankincense was used to make incense ONLY for the holy temple.  You would not be allowed to use frankincense for your own personal use.  It was a “controlled substance” in the Jewish economy.  And so, they were recognizing the fact that he was more than human…God in the flesh.  Not just humanity, but deity!  Otherwise it would have been illegal and blasphemous to give Him that gift.


This is the incarnation, God becoming man, laying aside His glory, but not His deity…only the privileges of His deity.  The God-Man.  Not 50-50, but 100% God and 100% man.  Don’t ever let anyone tell you that Jesus was just a good man…He was the God-Man!


Ill.—little boy cried out for mom to come sleep in his room because he was scared.  She explained that God was always with him, so he was not alone.  He said, “I know He’s here, but I want somebody with skin!”

        Jesus Christ came to this earth…God, with skin!


As the song says,

“He was so much man that He slept in a boat

but He was so much God that the winds ceased when He spoke.

He was so much man that He wept when Lazarus died

But He was so much God, that Lazarus came forth when He cried.

He was so much man, that He thirsted at the well

But He was so much God, that He saved her soul from hell.

He was so much man, that He died upon the tree.

He was so much God, that He rose in victory!”


He may have been a good man, but He was much more than that…

[a great prophet, a wonderful role model]

        He was the great “I AM”!  Which means He still is!


The wise men knew that, and worshipped Him, not only as the King, but as God.


“Let’s talk about Jesus…” [sing song]


3.     Myrrh = Savior-hood

Myrrh was a spice, used to anoint bodies for burial.  At the end of the book of John the ladies went to the tomb with myrrh to anoint the body of Jesus.


Moral:  don’t ever bring myrrh to a baby shower, unless you want to send a message of death!


Could you imagine having a baby shower, and someone bringing you a gift certificate from the Funeral Home?   


The Magi sent the powerful message, “This little one was not just born, but born to die!”  The Magi were already worshipping Him as the Savior that He was!


Some people are hard to find appropriate gifts for…but how great a job these wise men did! 


What will you bring to Him?  Are you serving Him, returning your spiritual gifts to the One Who gave them to you?  Are you tithing?  Are you giving Him gifts over and above that?  Let’s give Jesus the big Christmas bonus this year…let’s honor Him with our best…gifts fit for the King, for God, for our Savior!


The wise men came, not to cuddle the babe, or tickle under His chin, [goochie, goochie, goo].  No, they knew Him, and how profound this birth was…for they brought Him gold, recognizing Him as the King, and frankincense, recognizing Him as God, and myrrh, recognizing Him as the Savior!


Make Him your King, your God, your Savior today!



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