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The Angels of Christmas


Let’s watch a Christmas program.  I’d like to see a really great one.  There’s none better than the original!  Better look over the script. [turn to Luke 1]

Let’s consider the ‘cast’ of Christmas…one each week in the morning.

…We will look this month at the OT prophets, as well as the angels, shepherds, wise men, and of course the Savior, and how it all applies to us. 


But today let’s zero in on the angels…the angels of Christmas.  We sing a lot about them, but when we look at the Scriptures, we only mention them in passing, because the focus is on Jesus, as it should be.  But Christ was THEIR focus as well.  Their job was to bring Him glory and tell His story.


Bring Him glory - Tell His story


The word “angel” literally means messenger

They are to tell the story.


Angels are created beings

Angels are not eternal beings.  They have not always existed.  They will always continue to exist, but they had a beginning - which God did not.


Why were angels created?

Col. 1:16     For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:


They were created for the same reason we were created…to bring Him glory and tell His story.


Now, where do you find the first angel in the Christmas story?

Luke 1 – the angel Gabriel appears to Zacharias the priest. 

v. 11-13 [fear]; 16, 17c

        The angel tells him that he and his wife, Elisabeth, though barren, are going to be blessed with the child, John the Baptist, who will be the forerunner to the Messiah.  In other words, John will bring Him glory and tell His story!


v. 18        Zach is scared.

v. 19        Gabriel’s job is to tell His story, which brings Him glory!


Where is the next angel in the Christmas story?

6 months later in v. 26 – 38

It’s Gabriel again, and again he says ‘fear not’ [v. 30]


vv. 28, 30        Mary’s job will be to bring Him glory and tell His story…and indeed, she was the first to carry the gospel!


Where is the next angel in the Christmas story?

The angel of the Lord speaks to Joseph in Matthew 1:18-24 [hold your place in Luke], bringing him on board.  His job will be to bring Him glory and tell His story.


Where is the next angel in the Christmas story?

Luke 2:8

        The lone angel in v. 9 had a job:  To tell His story.  [v. 10-‘fear not’ again]

        Why?  It would be a fearsome thing to see the embodiment of a mighty spirit being from heaven!

He is joined by an innumerable host of angels who had a job:  To bring Him glory.  [vv. 13-14]

        In v. 15 -18 the shepherds have a job:  To tell His story.

        And in v. 10 the shepherds bring Him glory.


Later the Magi come with the same agenda, to bring Him glory.  God warns them in a dream [perhaps via an angel] that Herod is dangerous and that they should go home…and do what?  Tell His story!


Where is the next angel in the Christmas story?

Back in Matthew 2:13

        An angel warns Joseph to flee into Egypt.

v. 19        An angel lets him know it’s safe to return home.


Now, ladies and gentlemen.  Why are we here?  Why were we created, and redeemed, and yet left here on the earth?  For the same reasons.


We aren’t here just to exist.  Our life is not just getting hatched, matched, and then dispatched.  Our job is not to make money to pay bills and then die.  Our daily duty is not to wake up, eat, work, eat, work, go home, eat, watch TV, sleep, just to do it all again the next day.

        We are to bring Him glory and tell His story!


And yes, we can do these important things as we go about all the mundane tasks of life – “Whether therefore…do all to the glory of God!”


We have looked at the angels of Christmas. We are motivated by their worship and adoration of Jesus and challenged to be His messengers too. 


I feel that the Lord would have us to do an in-depth study of angels this month, in evening services.  [“aw, that counts me out!”]  We will look at so much more the Bible says on this topic, in hundreds of mentions of angels.


Angels are NOT glorified human beings.  When someone dies there’s usually somebody who says, “God needed another angel in that heavenly choir!”  I don’t want to burst your bubble, but that’s simply not true.  Humans don’t become angels when they die…even if their name is “Clarence”  [It’s a Wonderful Life—he’s still trying to earn his wings]


Inspirations southern gospel song:

“A golden street to walk upon, a bell I’m gonna ring,

A brand new angel in the choir, I’m gonna hear her sing”

        It’s a sweet thought, and a cute song, but it’s not scriptural.


Angels are invisible spirit beings

Ephesians says this world is not just the flesh and blood that we can see, but principalities and powers of the air.


For the next several weeks we will look at some things unseen…the spirit world around us.  There is much confusion on this subject and we will lay to rest some myths, and more importantly, learn some incredible truths that will change the way we view the world around us, and how we live.


Though we cannot see them, angels are here among us.  There may not be as many empty seats in here as you think. 


I have some incredible stories to share, and you may have some of your own.

        Some may ask if I’ve ever seen an angel…well, maybe just a couple!


As far as I know for fact, I’ve never seen one, but the Bible indicates that I probably have and don’t know it. 


Hebrews 13:2     Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.


We will see examples of their great speed and power, and how they don’t age.  We will look into their battles with demons [fallen angels], learn about our guardian angels, and see how closely they accompanied Jesus while He was on the earth.  Finally, we will see how we will end up judging angels in eternity.  A lot of sensational things, but we’ll be careful to focus on the practical truths that should impact our lives now as we seek to give Him glory and tell His story!


Don’t miss the rest of this series…the best is yet to come!

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